How to Write An Argumentative Essay Step by Step

Cohesion and coherence are important elements of a discourse. They account for the communication of ideas and readability. Coherence and cohesion ensure a smooth and systematic flow of ideas through the college essay writing service. The words and ideas are connected in a way that they provide an easy and smooth reading. Without these devices, a discourse may occur disconnected or may have many hiccups.

Cohesion is the quality of being readable, consistent, logical, and able to be understood. Whereas cohesion accounts for wholeness. The other way around, coherence accounts for the unity of ideas, and cohesion accounts for the unity of structure. If you are not familiar with these devices you may not be able to write a good essay. So, before thinking about how to write assignment help, think about what is coherence and cohesion because these are the essentials of an essay. These are the same for discourse as the brick and cement are for the building. Brick and cement can be put together to get any form or shape yet it is only the proper and systematic process that makes a building. Likewise, cohesive devices unite ideas and the proper usage of these ideas in the sentence accounts for the unity of the whole discourse.

Cohesive devices include lexical, collocations, ellipsis, linking adverbials, conjunctions, and synonyms/antonyms. Substitution, repetition, hypernyms/hyponyms, and referencing (deictic, cataphoric, anaphoric). If you observe the sample from the essay writing service, they use these devices to a good effect. These devices help give the discourse give a flow by creating a physical link between the words in the discourse. These devices enable us to read the text successfully and interpret it.

The focus of the cohesive devices is determined by the purpose of the discourse. Is it for entertainment? Celebrate? Inform? Persuade? Information? Description? Argumentation? So, the intention of the text defines what kind of cohesive devices should be used. The answer to these questions helps decide the nature of cohesive devices to be used in the particular discourse by essay writer.

Also, one needs to be mindful of the audience that the discourse addresses. According to the audience, cohesive devices would be used. For example, the lexical choice for a different audience is different. The main concern is not just to put these devices in the text but to put them in the best harmony of the social purpose and intention of the text.

Good cohesion is achieved through the use of the following methods:

Reference words

References words in discourse are used to refer to something that has been mentioned elsewhere in the text. Mostly in the preceding sentence. Transition words the most commonly used reference words are pronouns like this or these.


Substitution means to replace words or ideas that have been used earlier in the discourse. Grammatically, it is almost the same as reference words yet the difference is substitution is limited to the clause and reference can occur far back from the words being substituted. Commonly used substitution words include so, one, and auxiliaries like have done and be.


Ellipsis accounts for the omission of words or words and in the absence of the omitted word (s), the meaning is clear. It is also known as the substitution by zero. It creates meaning from the context.

Repeated words/ideas

One of the most common ways to achieve cohesion is to repeat the idea or ideas through the employment of new words. These new words mostly are synonyms. You can present the same idea in multiple ways by using different synonyms. There are numerous choices for repeated ideas as per the meaning of the idea. Given the detailed discussion about coherence and cohesion, I hope you no longer need to ask someone to write my paper for me, because there is not much to panic about except a few useful techniques.

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